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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Turkey did not remain indifferent to Turkmen migrants

Turkey did not remain indifferent to Turkmen migrants

In a message dated December 29, 2020, we told what difficulties Turkmen migrants could face in Turkey from January 15, 2021. The THF sent its message, and hundreds of Turkmen activists distributed it, called 153, asked for advice and informed the relevant authorities.

The Turkish authorities did not remain indifferent and found a way out of the situation created through the fault of the Turkmen regime. Now, in order to receive a transport card and link it with the HES code, our fellow citizens who do not have permission for permanent residence in this country will simply need to indicate their passport number and surname.

At the request of the THF, today several Turkmen migrants tried out this system: all three people received a transport card. We will continue to monitor this issue and thank the Turkmen and Turkish human rights activists for their joint work on a successful resolution of the issue.

Turkey showed Turkmenistan an example of humanism and sound will. Whether the problem with Turkmen passports will be finally resolved depends on the political will of Ashgabat and the activity of citizens.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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