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Guards of women's colony in Dashoguz detained for attempted rape of a prisoner

Guards of women's colony in Dashoguz detained for attempted rape of a prisoner

Women's colony DZ-K/8 in Dashoguz region

The prosecutor's office of the Dashoguz region opened criminal cases against three employees of the women's colony DZ-K / 8, who tried to rape a prisoner on New Year's Eve, correspondents of "Chronicles of Turkmenistan" report.

The male employees of the colony have no right to enter certain areas of the penitentiary without a special permit or order. On the night of January 1, the workers of the colony turned to the employee who was on duty at the entrance to the zone with a request to take out one of the prisoners, giving her number, name and surname under the pretext that something had allegedly happened in the working shop and her explanations were needed.

Whether the female employee had any idea about the purpose of her male colleagues is unclear, but she took the woman out and handed her over to the male employees, who then took her not to the workshop, but to the bath and laundry department, where they tried to rape her. The cries for help were heard by sentries on the towers and reported to the duty officer. A rapid response team was sent to the zone, which found three employees of the colony and a woman in tattered clothes and abrasions on her body.

The employees were detained, and the woman was sent to the medical unit. The case has been referred to the prosecutor's office.

"Chronicles of Turkmenistan" sources said that similar cases had happened before. In May 2019, a woman who asked to see her relatives was induced by the prison staff to have sex, promising to give her a meeting for two days instead of the prescribed one.


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