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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Activists were beaten when they tried to send a letter to President S. Berdimuhamedov through the Consulate of Turkmenistan in Istanbul, one of them was beaten severely

Activists were beaten when they tried to send a letter to President S. Berdimuhamedov through the Consulate of Turkmenistan in Istanbul, one of them was beaten severely

While trying to send a letter to President S. Berdimuhamedov through the Consulate of Turkmenistan in Istanbul, activists were beaten, one of them was beaten severely.

Today, August 16, Turkmen activists, with the support of lawyers and two Turkish human rights activists, tried to deliver an open letter to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. To fullfil this, they came to the consulate of Turkmenistan in Istanbul and announced the purpose of their visit on video in front of the building.

When lawyer Gulden Sonmez and the activists asked the security guard to call one of the employees to hand over the letter, they were let into the courtyard of the consulate. When trying to hand over the document to officials, 6 employees came out of the consulate, began to insult, swear and beat the activists. Among them, a well-known employee of this department, Merdan Mustakov, was noticed.

Representatives of the diplomatic corps beat two women and three men. An eyewitness reports: “One of them was knocked to the ground, even the lawyer was attacked.” Atamurad Saparov received serious head injuries with a heavy object, the doctors gave him first aid.

The police, called by the consulate, detained two activists and one Turkish human rights activist. At the moment, activists Dursoltan Taganova and injured Atamurad Saparov (38) are in the police station.

Numerous eyewitnesses say that the lawyer politely asked to accept the document, while the activists silently stood by. However, the consular staff wringing the hands of visitors, cursing, insulting people. Some Turkmens' phones were confiscated.

All the people standing in line were dispersed.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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