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Turkmen activist detained in Turkey goes on hunger strike

Turkmen activist detained in Turkey goes on hunger strike

On October 22, the Turkmen activist Akhmed Rakhmanov, detained by the Turkish authorities, went on a dry hunger strike to protest the anti-social policy of the G. Berdimuhamedov regime.

“I hope to draw the attention of the international community to the numerous violations of the rights of Turkmen citizens in Turkmenistan and abroad,” he told our source.

On the first day, other Turkmens who were with him in the Tuzla deportation center, near Istanbul, joined the hunger strike. There are more than a hundred Turkmens in the center, mainly due to problems with expired documents. They are kept in rooms, such as containers, designed for eight people.

By the end of the day, the management of the center promised to “solve the problems of all detainees” by the end of the month. After that, the action was continued only by Akhmed Rakhmanov, today the fourth day has begun. Surrounding persuade him to at least drink water.

Another activist, Kamil Abulov, is also believed to be in Tuzla. The third, Bayram Allaliev, is still being held at the police station. He is also expected to be transferred to a deportation center on October 25.

Lawyers have not yet been able to meet with any of the activists.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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