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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Turkish journalists became interested in the situation at Istanbul airport

Turkish journalists became interested in the situation at Istanbul airport

On August 10, hundreds of Turkmen migrants once again gathered at the airport in hopes of boarding a plane and returning to their homeland. The online news resource “Salamnews” reported that on August 11 at 9 a.m. there will be an export flight to Turkmenistan.

However, the flight did not take place for unknown reasons (according to unconfirmed information, the flight is expected at night from August 11th to 12th). At the ticket office of the Turkmen air carrier, hundreds of citizens continue to sign up for the so-called “list of available places.” Currently there are 670 names in it.

The Turkish publication DHA became interested in the situation and was contacted by activists at the request of their compatriots. Journalists arrived at the airport at 13:00 and interviewed the migrants.

The young Turkmen said that since the pandemic he had made several attempts to return to his homeland, that hundreds of Turkmens were tired of waiting for months for repatriation flights and were outraged by the uncertainty, since the Turkmen authorities did not provide specific information on flights. Fifty migrants standing behind him unanimously supported him when he turned around and asked to confirm his words. When the journalist asked what your requirements were, the answer was: “We want to leave and move in normally.”

He also thanked all caring compatriots who help stranded migrants with food and drink.

For your information, if previously migrants avoided contact with activists and media representatives, this time they themselves volunteered to tell their stories to journalists.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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