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512 illegal migrants detained during police raid in Istanbul

512 illegal migrants detained during police raid in Istanbul

As part of the fight against illegal migration, Turkish authorities have tightened requirements for persons renting out housing.

November for migrants in Istanbul began with a hunt for illegal immigrants. In Istanbul, in the Esenyurt district, a police raid “Shield” took place during which 512 migrants were detained, among whom there were possibly Turkmen citizens, a source told THF.

During the raid, 41 landlords who rented out their homes to 318 migrants without temporary residence permits were fined. Local police and the Migration Department, in coordination with the Istanbul Municipality, carried out controls and inspections of vehicles in residential areas, abandoned buildings, parks and gardens, avenues and streets of the region as part of the fight against illegal migrants violations.

The event was attended by 452 police officers and the Migration Department, during which the legal status of foreign citizens in the country was checked, as well as residence at the place of registration and compliance with the actual place of residence. In one place, 318 illegal immigrants were detained at once. 41 homeowners were fined, and the homes of owners who illegally rented houses to illegal immigrants were locked and sealed.

As part of the raid, 30 strongholds were established in various areas of Esenyurt to hold migrants for the purpose of their further resettlement. 512 foreigners whose fingerprints were taken at strongholds were identified as illegal immigrants.

Procedures have begun to deport illegal migrants.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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