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The possibility of tightening the rules for the departure of citizens abroad is studied in Turkmenistan

The possibility of tightening the rules for the departure of citizens abroad is studied in Turkmenistan

The authorities of Turkmenistan are concerned about the analytical reports of the Ministry of National Security (MNB) and the Migration Service, which show an increase in the number of people wishing to leave the country permanently, as well as the increasing activity of Turkmen migrants and students of foreign universities, who are increasingly beginning to openly express their negative attitude towards the government and adjoin various opposition movements. This was reported by a source of "Chronicles of Turkmenistan".

The repressions carried out by employees of the Ministry of National Security and the police inside the country, as well as pressure on compatriots through consular and special services abroad, do not lead to the results expected by the authorities.

The Ministry of National Security and the Migration Service made a number of proposals on how to minimize the departure of Turkmen citizens abroad and return migrants to their homeland.

For example, employees of the Migration Service propose to tighten the rules for issuing passports for foreign trips. Passports, according to the proposal of the department, should be issued to the following categories of citizens:

- students of foreign universities, upon presentation of confirmation from the Ministry of Education;

- businessmen who can provide confirmation from the Tax Service and the UIET;

- traveling for treatment with confirmation from the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry;

- private individuals to visit relatives if they have an invitation.

The right to leave may be limited in time. In case of violation of the return deadlines, it is proposed to fine a person or prohibit departure for a certain time. These measures are reminiscent of the practice of "exit visas" that was under Saparmurat Niyazov.

Other proposals include stricter tracking of students who are in their final years at foreign universities. There are already known cases when the parents of students were contacted by special services with a demand to inform them when their child would return home. Parents are also warned that it is not desirable for their children to look for work abroad.

Migrants whose children remain in the care of relatives will be asked to have relatives take custody of the children. Otherwise, children will be considered homeless and transferred to boarding schools.

At the moment, these restrictions are not introduced. Perhaps some of them will work in August.

“In any case, if all or some of the proposed restrictions decide to be introduced, then this will be before the opening of borders and the resumption of air traffic with foreign countries,” - the HT source said.

Chronicle of Turkmenistan

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