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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


More about house demolition in Keshi.

More about house demolition in Keshi.

Inhabitants of another three streets in Keshi were issued with house demolition orders. As a result, on 12 July, the women from these families also tried to appeal to the UN Representatives. However, THF does not have information whether they have managed to see any of the staff. The same evening some of these women were taken to the police. One man tried to stand up for them, but he was also taken to the police. There has been no information about what happened to the detained people as yet. As witnesses report, the people were forcibly put into the cars, although they strongly objected.

Moreover, in the morning of 12 July, policeman Yazmamedov, together with one of the staff from the department No 6 of the Niyazov district, visited the families who had already been issued the demolition orders and handed them other orders ‘inviting’ them to attend a so-called meeting at 9 p.m. in the district police station. However, only some of the people attended the meeting. According to the witnesses, who were at the police station where the meeting was held, they could hear the people’s voices of indignation and dissatisfaction at the authorities’ behaviour, which has led to a further deterioration in people’s social conditions.

Some of the inhabitants were reportedly issued the orders instructing them to “report to the administration No 6 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan at 9 a.m. at 34 Asudalyk Street, office No 88”. The people are to report on different dates and, as the orders specifically state, it is mandatory to bring with them their passports.

Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation

13 July 2004

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