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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


First OSCE meeting on legal reform held in Turkmenistan.

First OSCE meeting on legal reform held in Turkmenistan.

Press release ASHGABAD, 15 May 2008 - The first in a series of OSCE workshops aimed at providing lawmakers in Turkmenistan with tools for an effective legal reform process ended today in Ashgabad.

The two-day meeting was organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad at the invitation of the National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of Turkmenistan.

"We hope that this workshop has helped fostering a better understanding of the role of law-making processes in the development and modernization of society," said Robert Adams, Deputy Head of the ODIHR’s Democratization Department.

"The design of effective domestic mechanisms enabling government and parliamentary bodies to oversee the process of law-drafting is of particular importance."

The meeting focused on policy development, impact assessment and the mechanics of legislation. Other OSCE participating States’ experiences in this field were discussed. The meeting brought together senior officials from the Parliament, Supreme Court, Prosecutor’s Office, National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights and ministries involved in Turkmenistan’s lawmaking process and legal reform.

The ODIHR earlier this year provided the country’s authorities with an assessment of election- related legislation as part of the OSCE’s support to strengthening Turkmenistan’s rule of law.

The OSCE Centre plans to continue supporting the legal reform, including through the provision of a series of legislative assessments and study visits to parliaments of OSCE participating States.


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