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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Turkmen migrants in Turkey: statistics

Turkmen migrants in Turkey: statistics

The Migration Service Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey published on March 23 some statistical data regarding the receipt of residence permits and other types of temporary protection by foreign citizens in the country. The data covers the period from 2005 to March 2023.

If in 2005 there were 178,964 foreign citizens living in Turkey who received a legal document for residence, then as of March 23 of this year there were 1,335,637 (see diagram 1.)


Citizens of Turkmenistan occupy third place in the Top 10 countries according to three indicators: having a residence permit in Turkey - 113,449 people (leader Russia); with a short-term residence permit – 86,188 (leader Russia); student visas – 12,613 (leader Azerbaijan). The number of Turkmen families is in sixth place, there are 5,419 of them. The leader here is Azerbaijan.

In total, the Turkish authorities have issued 217,669 permits (in one form or another) to Turkmen citizens to reside in this country.

According to experts, the number of Turkmen citizens living in Turkey is much larger. At the same time, the number of legal Turkmen migrants will decrease. It was previously reported that Turkish regional migration departments refuse to accept documents for renewal of residence permits from persons with expired passports, even if there is a consulate stamp confirming its renewal. Thus, the number of Turkmen illegal immigrants will grow.

If the Turkish migration authorities do not recognize the marks on the renewal of expired Turkmen passports, does this mean that Turkey does not recognize the Resolution of the Turkmen President of July 5, 2021?

In the meantime, statistics from the Migration Department show that Turkmen citizens occupy fifth place in the list of 10 countries under consideration. (see diagram).

The number of detained illegal Turkmen migrants is also indicated - 1,416. (See Diagram 2.)


Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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