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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


To the attention of the Turkmen Embassy in Turkey: Turkmens affected by the earthquake need help

To the attention of the Turkmen Embassy in Turkey: Turkmens affected by the earthquake need help

The natural disaster that covered dozens of cities in Turkey continues to reveal victims. The death toll is approaching 24,000.

Information about dead compatriots appeared on social networks of Turkmen citizens living in Turkey. According to preliminary data, the names of 4th year students studying at the University of Kahramanmarash are given: Nazar Kemalov, Ruslan Khummedov, Arslan Babayev, Aimurat Geldyev, student Azat Jumaev. Migrant Myakhri Anjikova also died in the city of Kahramanmarash.


Photos from social networks.

In addition, they report that Maftuna Kurbanova from Dashoguz, Atamurad Kalimbetov born in 1979, as well as Gulsoltan Salykhova and Atamurad (surname to be confirmed) are missing.


Photos of the missing Gulsoltan and Aymurad from social networks.

It is known that the bodies of 3 young guys were transported to their homeland. Previously, the mother of one of them was promised at the Turkmen consulate in Istanbul to issue a corresponding letter with which it would be possible to do this. She was denied any other help.

In the city of Hatay, student Ainabat Piriyeva, 27 years old, was injured and, according to preliminary data, was transported to a hospital in the city of Mersin.


Photo by Ainabat Pirieva from social networks.

Warning: The facts are being double-checked as all information still requires clarification.

We were able to clarify the information spread on social networks that hundreds of Turkmen migrants held in Malatya were in serious condition. “In practice, the buildings of the deportation center were not damaged, since they are not high-rise, they were assembled from containers, so the foreigners staying there are now safe,” the head of the center reassured our lawyer. “Moreover, even the migration service employees have now moved from their homes in high-rise buildings to the containers of the deportation center.”

Turkmen migrant Nargiza Matyusupova, living in the city of Osmaniya, contacted THF. “On February 6, during the aftershocks, I ran out into the street and for the third day now my neighbors and I have been without a roof over our heads. The Turkish liras that I found in my jacket pocket ran out yesterday. In our town, neither hot meals nor warm tents have yet been organized, there is no help. Authorities cite broken roads and the city's isolation. My neighbors and I have to sit in the cars of one neighbor or another for days and nights.”

Yesterday, February 8, her compatriots contacted Nargiza and provided all possible assistance.

After sharp criticism was voiced on social networks against the Turkmen embassy, which did not promptly show its concern for the fate of its fellow citizens, on February 8, the Turkmen consulate published a telephone number where victims can contact:

+ 90 312 441 71 22 (23/24)


Activist Dursoltan Taganova called the indicated phone number, where she was assured that “help will be provided to everyone who calls.”

On February 10, we received messages that it was not always possible to contact the indicated telephone numbers.

According to official Turkmen media, on the same day, Chairman of the Nation Council Gurbanguly Berdimukhamedov visited the Turkish embassy in Ashgabat, where he expressed condolences to the Turkish people. He also promised comprehensive assistance to his compatriots who suffered in Turkey.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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