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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Warsaw. Human Dimension Meeting. Plenary session II. Freedom of movement. Speech by A.Khajiev. Stop violating the rights of Turkmens to freedom of movement, including in Turkey

Warsaw. Human Dimension Meeting. Plenary session II. Freedom of movement. Speech by A.Khajiev. Stop violating the rights of Turkmens to freedom of movement, including in Turkey

There is no Turkish delegation in the hall, but through the Internet I think my words will reach the addressee.

I would like to appeal to the leader of the Turkish Republic.

Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan!

On September 13, by signing the Resolution on the introduction of a visa regime for Turkmen, you put an end to the idea of Turan.

Firstly, You followed the lead of the Turkmen autocrat. Why was it necessary to cancel the previously existing visa-free regime?

And secondly, what kind of double standards? Does this mean that other Turkic peoples will continue to enjoy the visa-free regime, while millions of Turkmens are trapped by the Turkmen regime?

And further. Why do you allow a criminal group of Turkmen consular employees to dominate your territory, spreading corruption and persecution of Turkmens in Turkey?

Where have you seen diplomats selling air tickets for a bribe? Where have you seen diplomats establishing their order in your airport, calling your police to persecute Turkmen migrants who do not want to be victims of a criminal group organized by consular employees?

On August 16, in the courtyard of the Turkmen consulate in Istanbul, five Turkmen activists, including a Turkish woman lawyer and a Turkish human rights activist, were beaten just because they brought a letter there for the President of Turkmenistan S.Berdimuhamedov. Your police, at the instigation of the Turkmens, took the beaten people to the police. Not those ten mercenaries who beat people from behind, but the victims. And this is not the first time.

You allow Turkmen activists to be detained and sent to deportation camps, following the lead of insolent Turkmen officials. I repeat, on your territory! You followed the lead of the dictator father, now you follow the lead of his son, who is not far from his father! What kind of democratic, secular state are you talking about?

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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