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Former Turkmen opposition leader "disappears" - website.

Former Turkmen opposition leader "disappears" - website.

Text of report by Russian Ferghana.ru news agency website

The former leader of the Agzybirlik opposition movement, Nurberdi Nurmamedow, disappeared on 23 December after a brief interview with the Radio Liberty, Ferghana.ru correspondents in Turkmenistan report.

His relatives have contacted the interior and national security ministries but so far there has been no news about his whereabouts.

Nurberdi Nurmamedow was a co-chairman of the Agzybirlik opposition movement in early 90th. In December 1999, Nurmamedow spoke for several times on the Radio Liberty’s Turkmen service criticizing the government’s policy and undemocratic parliamentary elections. In 2000, he was accused of conspiracy to murder and was sentenced to five years in prison. However, he was later pardoned. For the past few years he has been living in Asgabat.

BBC Original source: Ferghana.ru news agency website, 25.12.06 December 26, 2006

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