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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


For the information of Turkmen citizens, asylum seekers

For the information of Turkmen citizens, asylum seekers

We remind you that THF monitors the situation with respect for the rights of compatriots in Turkmenistan and abroad. Our information, conclusions and proposals are published in the media and used in reports of international organizations, including human rights organizations, which helps more Turkmen citizens and the international community learn about the real situation in Turkmenistan.

THF provides legal assistance to victims of human rights violations in the form of consultations or through participation in international legal proceedings. In order to expand civil society, the Foundation educates victims in the field of human rights, organizes video chats, seminars and other forms of civic activities related to the popularization of human rights ideas among citizens of Turkmenistan.

In recent years, Turkmen citizens have been traveling abroad en masse. Among them are those who apply for asylum. THF recommends that they seek help from the relevant structures of the country where they find themselves. There are many NGOs in these countries where experienced specialists who have a good grasp of the situation and knowledge of local laws and regulations will be able to provide you with comprehensive assistance. To successfully resolve your issue, try to punctually follow their recommendations, and not follow the lead of illiterate Turkmen populists who use the Internet for personal purposes. Including using Internet attacks, they are trying to earn points from an uninformed audience.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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