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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Difficulties for Turkmen citizens traveling to Turkey continue

Difficulties for Turkmen citizens traveling to Turkey continue

Recently, our source had a conversation with a citizen of Turkmenistan who came from Turkmenistan to work in Turkey. We do not disclose information about citizens for security reasons.

«Three months ago, I collected the necessary documents for a trip to Turkey and submitted them to the Turkish visa center. A few days later I was given a visa. I arrived at the airport having bought a plane ticket. Despite the fact that I had a visa in hand, the migration service refused to let me in, requesting several additional documents. I received a tourist visa, and the migration service asked me: “Why are you going?” I said that I wanted to engage in trade. They asked me if I had a trade license, I didn't have one, I didn't think I needed one at all. I returned desperate and began collecting the necessary documents.

First, I started getting a business license, then I went to the bank, mortgaged my house, took out a loan, opened a bank account in my name and deposited the required amount into my account. The next step was to find someone who could vouch for my departure. My wife gave me a letter of guarantee. I did everything I needed. Despite the fact that all my documents were complete and correct, at the airport I was again called into the office of the head of the migration service and forced to write a letter stating that I would return in 15 days. That's how I ended up in Turkey.

I was forced to come to Turkey, my situation is very difficult, my child is growing, I need to work to provide her with a good future. Unemployment continues in Turkmenistan. Sometimes we cut an onion in half and prepare half for today and the other half for tomorrow», - the citizen told us sadly.

It is known that in September 2022, at the request of the government of Turkmenistan, Turkey introduced a visa regime for citizens of Turkmenistan. However, due to unemployment in the country, the number of people wishing to travel abroad, including to Turkey, has not decreased. The problems of Turkmen people in this regard are limitless.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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