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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


On International Human Rights Day, Turkmen activists took part in the event of Turkish human rights defenders

On International Human Rights Day, Turkmen activists took part in the event of Turkish human rights defenders

On December 10, in Ankara, Turkey, local NGO «Mazlumder» held an evening session on human rights. More than 200 people took part in the event, including several Turkmen activists. The meeting took place in a former Turkish prison, now converted into a museum with cells and other details of the penitentiary system.

The theme of the evening was «Judicial Independence and Fair Trials».

The head of the NGO «Mazlumder» Kartal Kaya in his speech drew the attention of listeners to human rights violations around the world, including in Turkmenistan. Other speakers recalled how important justice and a fair trial are for the development and prosperity of society.

Then an award ceremony took place on behalf of «Mazlumder» human rights defenders, activists and journalists. Among the recipients are famous activists Wahap Joshgun, Mohamed İsse Abdullah, Tahir Elchi İnsan.

Turkmen migrants were also invited to the meeting, including activists Dursoltan Taganova, Atamyrat Saparov and others from Istanbul. They told about the situation of their compatriots in Turkey and Turkmenistan, Turkish human rights activists assured them of their support.

The next day, some of the Turkmens continued their voyage to meet and exchange experiences with fellow activists in other cities, while the other part returned to Istanbul.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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