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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Release Political Prisoners and Prisoners of Conscience.

Release Political Prisoners and Prisoners of Conscience.

Vienna, 21 December 2006. The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and its affiliate the Turkmenistan Initiative for Human Rights are calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Turkmenistan, following the death of President Niyazov.

“We can only hope that his successors will address the deficits in education, health care, and children’s rights resulting from his policies, and honor the fundamental rights and freedoms the people have been cynically denied, “stated IHF Executive Director Aaron Rhodes.

The IHF urges international institutions and Turkmenistan’s bilateral partners to encourage fundamental changes based on respect for democracy, international law, and human rights principles, consistent with Turkmenistan’s obligations as a participating State in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

For more information:

Henrietta Schroeder, IHF Press Officer +43-676-725-4829

Natasha Lazareva, IHF Project Coordinator (Russian/English) +43-1-408-8822

Fahrid Tukhbatullin, Turkmenistan Initiative for Human Rights +43-699-19441327

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