COVID-19 pandemiýasy gutarandan soň, Türkmenistan ähli goňşy ýurtlar bilen serhetlerini açdy. Şol bir wagtyň özünde serhet geçelgelerinde gümrük postlarynyň işi gaýtadan başlandy. Şeýle-de bolsa, işleriniň başlamagy bilen ulgamyň köne erbetlikleri hem ýüze çykdy - kanunyň bozulmagy, korrupsiýa we ş.m.
Gümrük komitetiniň çeşmesiniň aýdyşy ýaly: “...Eýran Yslam Respublikasy bilen serhetde ýerleşýän Etrek sebitindäki Altyn Asyr gümrük postunyň halkyň bähbidi üçin dälde, wezipeli adamlaryň nebisli maksatlary açylandygyny ynam bilen aýdyp bolar.."
Ol öz netijesini gümrük komitetiniň işinden nägile bolan Balkan welaýatynyň ýaşaýjylarynyň köp sanly arzasy esasynda tassyklaýar.
“Beýleki nokatlardan tapawutlylykda diňe gümrük nokadyndan ýük awtoulaglary geçýär. Bu, Milli Howpsuzlyk Ministrliginiň işgärleriniň resmi wezipelerinden peýdalanyp, bu ýerde kontrabanda işini açmagy bilen baglanyşykly. Çilimler we neşeler serhetden geçirilýär "-diýip, Balkan welaýatynyň ýaşaýjysy resmileri ýazgarýar.
Geçmişde bu welaýatynyň ýaşaýjylary Eýran Yslam Respublikasyna hususy awtoulaglarynda syýahat edýärdiler. Olaryň köpüsi ownuk telekeçilik bilen meşgullanmaly bolýarlar, dürli sarp ediş harytlaryny daşary ýurtlardan satmak üçin getirýärler, sebäbi işsizlik welaýatda, şeýle hem tutuş ýurtda ösýär we döwlet adamlary iş bilen üpjün edip bilmeýär.
Mysal üçin, Etrek sebitinde birnäçe kollektiw fermalar guruldu. Häzirki wagtda onuň ýaşaýjylary Eýrana gitmek üçin birnäçe ýüz kilometr ýoly gidip, Saragt şäherindäki gümrük postundan serhetden geçmäge mejbur bolýarlar. Welaýatyň ýaşaýjylarynyň kiçi telekeçilik we eklenmek üçin başga mümkinçiligi ýok.
Balkan welaýatyna iň ýakyn "Bajgyran" gümrük posty Aşgabat şäheriniň golaýynda ýerleşýär. Şeýle-de bolsa, paýtagtda hasaba alynmadyk awtoulaglara girmäge rugsat berilmeýär. Gümrük gullugynyň işgärleri bu postda: "... köplenç siziň welaýatyňyza degişli gümrük nokadyndan geçiň diýýärler"-diýip, Balkan welaýatyndan bir kiçi telekeçi çeşmämize aýtdy. Şonuň üçin Balkan welaýatyndaky kärdeşleri Saragt gümrükhanasyndan geçmäge mejbur bolýarlar, bu ýerde bolsa telekeçileriň biriniň pikiriçe, doly bulam-bujarlyk bar. Saragta gümrük postunda gümrük işgärleri öz düzgünlerini bozup, beýleki welaýatlardan gelen türkmen raýatlaryny para tölemäge mejbur edýärler.
Lepab welaýatynyň telekeçisi Saragta ýerleşýän gümrük gullugynyň işgärleriniň 60 kilogram däl-de, diňe 25 kilogram ýük daşamagyna rugsat berýändigini tassyklady. Gümrük işgärleri artykmaç ýük üçin has ýokary nyrhdan tölemäge mejbur edýärler.
Umuman, beýleki pudaklarda bolşy ýaly, Türkmenistan serhedinde ýerleşýän gümrük hyzmatlary pudagynda-da düzgün bozmalar dowam edýär, käbir ýerlerde tölegler ýokary depginde ösýär. Azatlyk radiosy bu barada birnäçe gezek habar berdi. Mysal üçin, Radionyň habaryna görä, Türkmenistanyň raýatlaryndan Özbegistan bilen serhetdäki gümrük gullugynyň işgärlerine we bu çäkden üstaşyr geçýän harytlary daşaýan ýük daşaýan ulaglara garşy köp sanly arza gelip gowuşdy.
Adam hukuklary boýunça Türkmen Helsinki gaznasy.
What does customs give the "go-ahead" for? Residents of Turkmenistan suffer due to corruption of officials.
After the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkmenistan opened its borders with all neighboring countries. At the same time, the work of customs posts at border crossings was resumed. However, with the beginning of their work, the old vices of the system appeared - violations of the law, corruption, etc.
As a source in the customs committee says: “... we can say with confidence that the «Altyn Asyr» customs post in the Etrek region, located on the border with the Islamic Republic of Iran, was opened not for the benefit of the people, but for the selfish purposes of officials.”
He substantiates his conclusion on the basis of numerous complaints from residents of the Balkan province who are dissatisfied with the work of the customs committee.
“Unlike other points, only trucks pass through this customs point. This is due to the fact that employees of the Ministry of National Security, using their official position, set up a business here for transporting contraband goods. Cigarettes and drugs are smuggled across the border,” - a resident of the Balkan province denounces officials.
In the past, residents of this province traveled to the Islamic Republic of Iran on business in private cars. Many of them have to engage in small businesses, bringing various consumer goods from abroad for sale, since unemployment is growing in the province, as throughout the country, and the state is not able to provide people with work.
For example, in the Etrek region several collective farms were disbanded. Currently, its residents, in order to go to Iran, are forced to travel several hundred kilometers and cross the border through a customs post located in Saragt. Residents of the province have no other opportunity for small business, and therefore for survival.
The customs post “Bajygyran” closest to the Balkan province is located near the city of Ashgabat. However, cars not registered in the capital, are not allowed there. At this post, customs officers: “... often they say go through the customs point that belongs to your province,” - a small businessman from the Balkan province told our source. That is why his colleagues from the Balkan province are forced to go through customs in Saragt, where, according to one of the entrepreneurs, complete chaos is happening. At the Saragt customs post, customs officials, in violation of their own rules, force citizens of Turkmenistan from other provinces to pay bribes.
An entrepreneur from Lebap province confirmed that employees of the customs post located in Saragt allow only 25 kilograms of cargo to be transported, instead of 60 kilograms. Officials force people to pay for excess cargo at an inflated rate.
In general, as in other industries, in the field of customs services located on the border of Turkmenistan, violations continue, and in some places fees are growing at a high rate. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has repeatedly reported this. For example, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, numerous complaints were received from citizens of Turkmenistan against customs officers on the border with Uzbekistan and from truckers transporting goods in transit through this territory.
Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights